The Global Language of Business

GS1 Guides

GS1 Healthcare Acronyms and their Meaning

Some GS1 Acronyms commonly used in healthcare explained.

Global Product Classification GPC Browser Guide for Healthcare

GPC classifies products by grouping them into categories based on their essential properties and their relationships to other products.

GS1 DataMatrix in Healthcare

Global standards for automatic identification provide an opportunity to make the healthcare supply chain safer as well as more efficient and accurate. Healthcare regulators and trading partners have realised that a global standardised identification system from manufacturer to patient treatment is imperative to comply with the increasing need for product traceability around the world.

Medical Device UDI Data Sharing with GS1 GDSN

A short introductory guide to Medical Device UDI Data Sharing with GS1 Data Synchronisation Standards and the GDSN

GS1 Ireland Healthcare Brochure

In today's changing landscape, healthcare providers across the globe must transform their processes to provide value, quality and safe care. They must also work to eliminate waste and inefficiencies; achieve financial sustainability; and leverage information technologies to improve performance. Hospitals are using GS1 Standards to ensure the reliability of data and optimise processes to reduce preventable errors, enhance Electronic Health Record management and provide transparency for better clinical and supply chain management.



Giving time back to patient care

The initiative provides traceability of items used during surgery and procedures, improving the standard of care provided to patients and the Hospital's efficiency.