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Licence fees

Fee Structure and Schedule

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New GS1 Licence Application Fees

GS1 licence fees are quoted at the annual rate, ex VAT, and are valid January – December of the current calendar year.

Pro-rata fees

Applications for new GS1 prefix licences are invoiced on a pro-rata basis for the remaining months of the year i.e. a new licence issued in March will be billed at 10/12 (i.e. 5/6) of the annual amount. All licences are then renewed at the annual rate in January of the following year.

Annual GS1 Licence Renewals and Cancellations

All licence fees are automatically renewed in January of each year and payment is collected by direct debit in February. You must provide us with adequate notice of a cancellation if you no longer use your licence and do not wish it to renew in January. Cancellations must be submitted in writing and accompanied by a fully completed and signed GS1 Cancellation Form which can be downloaded here.

If you have sold your business or a product line and another entity is now responsible for maintaining the licence please contact our Helpdesk immediately on 01 208 0660 to arrange a GS1 Licence Transfer. A Licence Transfer Notification Form can be downloaded here.

Direct debit policy

GS1 Ireland Licence Fees are payable annually and are collected by Direct Debit, 30 days after date of invoice. A decision was taken by the Board of GS1 in December 2010 to implement a mandatory direct debit policy for all membership accounts. Any member without a valid direct debit on file is requested to submit a Direct Debit Mandate for the collection of future annual invoices. A direct debit mandate can be downloaded here: SEPA Direct Debit Mandate.

Direct Debit Renewals

Annual invoices for GS1 licence renewal are issued on Jan 2nd annual. Direct Debit payments will be collected 30 days after date of invoice. If, for any reason, your direct debit was not processed please call our Accounts Department on 01 208 0675 to settle your invoice by credit card.

Additional use cases

The fees listed here apply to most commonly used identifiers when utilised in general supply chain environments. However, licences fees may vary depending on the application and economic value of the GS1 identifiers used within a given sector/environment – please contact GS1 Ireland for further information.

Licence Fees for Services

The above information relates to the fees for membership and GS1 prefix / identifier licences. Licences fees for data synchronisation (GDSN), fTRACE and other value-added services are quoted separately. Please contact your GS1 Account Manager for further information.

The annual licence fees detailed below are shown by licence type (size of Global Company Prefix) and by organisational turnover band. Please note that not all licences are available to all organisations. New licences will be billed on a pro-rata basis depending upon the month in which the application is made. All fees are quoted ex VAT. Terms and Conditions apply. 

Barcodes are created using a unique prefix allocated to a named and registered company. The size and variety of your product range, or the business application, will determine which prefix is appropriate to your organisation. Barcode numbers are of a fixed size. The shorter your company prefix e.g. 7 or 9 digits the larger the number bank range you have to work with. Similarly, a long prefix e.g. 11 digits has a smaller more limited numbering capacity.

The tables below outline the full annual licence fee which will be charged pro-rata for the remaining months of the current calendar year to December, and renewed at the full annual rate next January.  If you are unsure which prefix is appropriate for implementation in your organisation please call Membership Services on +353 1 208 0660 and we will be happy to advise you.  

Annual Licence Fees (new licences are charged pro-rata for the remainder of the calendar year)

Artisan Barcode Licence (GCP 11) - an 11 digit prefix/10 numbers only

For artisan producers and new small business start-ups only. (Max 10 product or outer case numbers possible.)

Full Year

Annual Rate

Turnover under €1 million €85

Standard Barcode Licence (GCP 9) - a 9 digit GS1 prefix or a US UPC barcode prefix

The standard prefix for general distribution.

Full Year

Annual Rate

Turnover under €1 million €284
€1 million to €5 million €299
€5 million - €20 million €399
€20 million - €50 million €419
€50 million - €100 million €439
€100 million - €1 billion €469
€1 billion - €1.5 billion €519
Turnover over €1.5 billion €579

Barcode licence (GCP 7) - a 7 digit prefix

Generate all 11 types of GS1 identification number including product and outer case barcodes and Serial Shipping Container Codes (SSCCs).

Full Year

Annual Rate

All Turnover Bands €1,539

Licence for an EDI mailbox number

A GLN or Global Location Number is used to uniquely and unambiguously identify any type of location. This number is used in EDI message transactions to identify each trading partner's mailbox.  When signing up for EDI with a provider you will be asked to provide a GLN. A GLN can be licenced from GS1 Ireland for this purpose.

For new licences the annual rate will be charged pro-rata for the remaining months of the current calendar year to December. The pro-rata rate will be applied automatically during the online application process. All fees are quoted ex VAT.

Full Year

Annual Rate ex VAT

GLN for EDI Mailbox up to 31/12/2022 €160
GLN for EDI Mailbox from 01/01/2023 €169

If exporting to the United States and/or Canada please call Membership Services on 01 2080660 for a UPC Application Form and details of pricing.

Applying for a UPC barcode

GS1 Ireland will make an application to the US on your behalf should your distributor or retail customer specifically require a UPC barcode rather than an EAN barcode. Please confirm this with your customer before applying as many businesses refer to all barcodes as "UPCs" even though a standard 13 digit EAN barcode may be acceptable.

Specialist application barcodes 

Some items, such as variable measure products, coupons and very small items that cannot accommodate a standard barcode, require a specially adapted number. Licence fees for these number types are outlined below. All fees quoted ex VAT.

Fees  2023 Rate
Euro denominated coupon prefixes €89
Sterling (GBP) denominated coupon prefixes €199
Branded Variable Weight (BVW) barcode prefixes €123
Short codes (single 8 digit GTIN) €49


Purchase credits to use in Barcode Manager to generate barcode symbol images for barcode numbers as you allocate them. Symbols can be downloaded to use on your packaging or labels. Bundles of credits are more economical than single symbol credits.

Tip: If your graphic designer or printer is capable of generating barcode symbols for you, as part of your packaging design process, you do not need to purchase credits and download symbols through Barcode Manager. The use of Barcode Manager to allocate barcode numbers and store product information is free-of-charge to paid up members - only the symbol generation component is a paid-for service.

Barcode Symbol Generation Prices ex. VAT

Barcode Symbol Image Credits for Barcode Manager Rate
Barcode Symbol Image (Single) (1 credit) €20
Barcode Symbol Image Credits (Bundle of 5) €75
Barcode Symbol Image Credits (Bundle of 10) €100
Barcode Symbol Image Credits (Bundle of 20) €150
Barcode Symbol Image Credits (Bundle of 30) €180

VAT applicable at the current standard rate.

Barcode Manager can be used to generate an image file (eps, jpeg, png or gif) of your chosen barcode number. The credit fee is purely for image generation and download and does not include the actual licence fee for the number itself. 

Some services including data synchronisation and fTRACE as well as many annual licence fees are levied in accordance with company size, based on a range of annual turnover bands. Details of these bands are outlined below. All new members will be asked to identify which turnover band is appropriate to their organisation, based on the latest audited turnover for that company or group of companies.

Company Size - Annual Turnover Bands

Size Annual Company or Group Turnover Band

Up to €1 million

€1 million - €5 million


€5 million - €20 million
Medium  €20 million - €50 million

€50 million - €100 million

€100 million - €250 million

€250 million - €500 million

€500 million - €750 million

€750 million - €1 billion

€1 billion - €1.5 billion

Over €1.5 billion

What are the licences listed on a GS1 invoice?

If you have recently received an annual licence renewal invoice from us you may have some questions about what the licences are for. Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about GS1 licences.

GTIN Licence - GCP Prefix

This is a licence for the issuing of barcode numbers used to identify your products in retail stores or sold online. As a manufacturer or brand owner have licenced a bank of numbers (a GS1 Global Company Prefix or GCP) to be able to allocate barcode numbers to your products. Licences must be maintained annually and may not be cancelled while there is product on the marketplace.

There are three different GCP Licences depending upon the volume of numbers you require. These are:

  • GTIN Licence - 11 digit prefix or GCP 11 digit prefix
  • GTIN Licence - 9 digit prefix or GCP 9 digit prefix
  • GTIN Licence - 7 digit prefix or GCP 7 digit prefix

The annual licence fees vary depending upon the size of your business. Details of the annual licence fee for each turnover band can be found here: Barcode licence fees

GLN Licence - a Global Location Number

A GLN is used to identify your business as a legal entity in EDI messages (electronic order & invoice messages). A GLN is used by your EDI provider and is contained in the "header" portion of each invoice message. GLNs are listed on GS1 invoices as GLN Licence, or GLN Licence Additional if you have more than one. You can learn more about EDI here.

GTIN 8 Licence

If you have a very small product where the label or packaging is not large enough to contain a standard sized EAN 13 barcode image you may apply for a single EAN 8 / GTIN 8 barcode number. This is a single number for one named product. Products must meet certain criteria in order to qualify for the issuance of a GTIN 8. View EAN 8 barcode details.

Euro Coupon Licence & Sterling Coupon Licence

If you hold a licence for issuing barcoded coupons for processing by retailers and coupon clearing houses these will be listed on your invoice as:

  • Euro Coupon Licences 0.01 - 9.99 (for values between 1 cent and €9.99 - a two digit cent field)
  • Euro Coupon Licences 00.0 - 99.9 (for values greater than €10 up to €99.9)
  • Sterling (GBP) Coupons for use in UK and Northern Ireland (for values up to £9.99)

Contact Names on Invoices

The name shown beside a licence on the invoice is that of the original licence applicant. Licences must be maintained if in use, regardless of whether the original contact name is valid or not. Please note:- GS1 Licences are not a subscription for an individual. Please be careful not to cancel licences in error if that person no longer works for your organisation. If you are unsure if you still need a particular licence please contact our Membership Services team on 01 208 0660 to discuss your account.

Licence Cancellations

All licence fees are automatically renewed in January of each year and payment is collected by direct debit in February. If you no longer use your licence and do not wish it to renew in January you must provide us with adequate notice of a cancellation. Cancellations must be submitted in writing and accompanied by a fully completed and signed GS1 Cancellation Form. Please call us immediately on 01 208 0660 to discuss a cancellation request.