2D | Two-dimensional |
AI | Application Identifier |
AIDC | Automatic Identification and Data Capture |
CBV | Core Business Vocabulary |
CIS | Clinical Information System |
CoC | Chain of Custody |
CoO | Chain of Ownership |
CR/WR | Change Request / Work Request |
DI | Device Identifier |
DSCSA | Drug Supply Chain Security Act |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange |
EHR | Electronic Health Record |
eMAR | electronic Medicine Administration Record |
EPC | Electronic Product Code |
EPCIS | Electronic Product Code Information Services |
FMD | European Union Falsified Medicines Directive |
GDSN | Global Data Synchronisation Network |
GDTI | Global Document Type Identifier |
GIAI | Global Individual Asset Identifier |
GLN | Global Location Number |
GMN | Global Model Number (GS1 implementation of the European requirement for a “Basic UDI-DI”) |
GMDN | Global Medical Device Nomenclature |
GPC | Global Product Classification |
GPO | Group Purchasing Organisation |
GRAI | Global Returnable Asset Identifier |
GS1 GO | GS1 Global Office |
GS1 MO | GS1 Member Organisation |
GSMP | Global Standards Management Process |
GSRN | Global Service Relationship Number |
GTIN | Global Trade Item Number |
GTSH | Global Traceability Standard for Healthcare |
HCLT | GS1 Healthcare Leadership Team |
HIT | Healthcare Information Technology |
HL7 | Health Level 7 |
HPAC | GS1 Healthcare Provider Advisory Council |
ICCBBA | International Council for Commonality in Blood Banking Automation, Inc (Standard Organisation managing ISBT 128 - blood) |
IDMP | Identification of Medicinal Products |
IMDRF | International Medical Device Regulators Forum (formerly named GHTF) |
ISQua | International Society for Quality in Health Care |
ISO | International Standards Organisation |
JIC | Joint Initiative Council |
MSWG | Mission Specific Work Group |
NHRN | National Healthcare Reimbursement Number |
NTIN | National Trade Item Number |
ONS | Object Name Service |
PAS | Patient Administration System |
PI | Production Identifier |
PIA | Product Identifier Authentication |
RFID | Radio Frequency Identification |
SCCS | Security, Choreography and Checking Service |
SNOMED | Systematised Nomenclature of Medicine |
SRIN | Service Relation Instance Number |
SSCC | Serial Shipping Container Code |
TDS | Tag Data Standard |
UDI | Unique Device Identification |
UDID | Unique Device Identification Database |
XML | eXtensible Markup Language |