Barcode Number Search
Who is the brand owner of this product? Who does this barcode belong to?
These questions are part of the day to day business of GS1 Ireland. Many of them can be answered easily and directly from GS1 Ireland's Membership System. But, as trade is no longer purely national, the answers often need to be retrieved from GS1 member organisations around the world. GEPIR provides an open platform from which this information can be retrieved.
GEPIR (Global Electronic Party Information Registry) is a unique, internet-based service that gives access to basic contact information for companies that are members of GS1. These member companies use GS1's globally unique numbering system to identify their products, physical locations or shipments. Using XML technology, users can search for a GS1 number that has been issued by any of the participating countries.
By simply typing a product bar code number into GEPIR, anyone can find the owner of that barcode's contact information. Physical location numbers and Shipment numbers can also be used as search criteria.
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iGEPIR – free mobile app for access on the go
You can also access GEPIR on the go with your mobile phone or tablet. Use iGEPIR to scan the GS1 barcode on a package label to find out the contact details of the company behind the bar code. Or simply type the bar code number in.
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