Get in Touch
Our aim is to assist you as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our Helpdesk is open Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 17.00. Simply call 01 208 0660 for assistance or submit a question via our online support form now.

Updates to your GS1 Account
If you need to make updates to your account, such as a new name, address or bank account, you can complete this online form here.
In order to direct your query to the right person, you might like to view our staff details and their areas of responsibility here: Our Organisation.
Coming to visit us?
Click the link below that best meets your needs:
Public transport - Bus and Dart
Parking - we recommend that anyone visiting GS1 Ireland for more than an hour use the multi-storey car park in St Vincent's Hospital, which is directly opposite the Merrion Centre building.
View the GS1 offices - Google Maps